Rockman is a special customized Navi. He wears blue armor with yellow accents. He has brown hair that comes out behind his neck under his helmet when he wears it. When in battle, he wears a blue mask over the lower part of his face.
Rockman returned to the Hikaris not too long ago from the Alpha incident. The incident is fresh in the minds of all the Hikaris, especially Netto. Rockman's state since the incident has not been completely tested, and he's a bit more fragile and unstable than he was before defeating Alpha. As a result, he's laying a bit more low and a bit more reserved than he used to be.
Rockman is fairly outgoing like his brother Netto, but he's a bit more serious at the same time. He treats things like school and rules and chores more seriously, and he keeps Netto on track. He's not afraid to put Netto in his place if Netto gets off that track.
Instance Relationships
Netto Hikari
Netto got RockMan back after the Alpha incident not long ago, after spent months trying to learn how to live without him. As such, Netto is more protective of RockMan than usual, even though he tries not to act like it. Netto hasn't actually done any NetBattling since RockMan came back; he's been virus busting and exploring the Net (even going as far as the Undernet a few times) but Netto's just warming up to the idea of NetBattling again. Netto still has nightmares related to the incident with Alpha. Both Netto and RockMan have a really difficult time being separated from each other since the incident is still fairly fresh for them. Netto and his dad are still both worried about RockMan's state after the Alpha incident, so RockMan has been spending a lot more time undergoing maintenance with Dr. Hikari. Thus, RockMan has been lying low and keeping his head down.
RockMan and Roll are close friends. They're about as close as Meiru and Netto are. For the forseeable future, their relationship will remain strictly platonic, though Roll has a bit of a friend crush on RockMan still. Since coming back after the Alpha incident, RockMan is more anxious than he used to be, especially when it comes to being separated from Netto. Roll has strived to become a soothing, calming presence for him as a result, trying to help anyway she can. She knows he's not quite the same, he's not back to 100% yet, and that she can only do so much. In the past, RockMan has made comments that Roll interpreted as him not thinking she can hold her own in a fight or take care of herself whatsoever. Whenever this has happened, her temper is quick to rise and she's not so quick to forgive. She intends to prove herself so that one day RockMan can see her as an equal, or at least, a worthy rival. Because of RockMan's somewhat fragile state, he is lying low, keeping his head down.
Rockman’s system is fragile and a bit unstable following his return after sacrificing himself to save Netto from Alpha. He has lost the ability to access SaitoStyle or Style Change in any way, and has not yet unlocked the DoubleSoul ability. His HP and Strength aren’t quite as high as they were when he and Netto faced Alpha. Netto has been careful to not lose Rockman again.
Netto and Rockman were tricked by Lumine into going to the Undernet and freeing them. During the fight to trap them again after Lumine showed their true colors, Rockman and Netto were able to access the last remaining power of SaitoStyle remaining in their system. (stranger-danger)
Due to keeping the copyroid on the downlow given the twins got it illegally, Rockman has developed a human disguise that he and Netto have named ‘Hiro’. Anyone who knows of copyroids and is from a future instance can easily see through this, however, as Hiro resembles Rockman enough and acts exactly the same around Netto as Rockman does.