Meiru has short maroon hair and brown eyes. She often dresses in a combination of blue and pink clothes, usually blue tops with pink skirts.
Meiru has a tendency to worry about her friends. She’s not as much into NetBattling as her friends, but after signing up for the Battle Chip GP, she’s worked to become better at it so she can be more self-sufficient on the Net. Meiru is a top student in school and always tries her best, even if she knows she won’t succeed.
Instance Relationships
Roll and Meiru are best friends. They have a lot in common: they're both kind and they both tend to be underestimated by the people around them. Neither of them appreciate feeling like they aren't valued, though Roll will have a stronger reaction to this than Meiru. However, Meiru is the more nervous one of the duo. She worries especially about her friends. Roll is a bit more calm and level-headed, and tries to bring Meiru back down to earth a bit. Together they're very book-smart, but not so much when it comes to the NetBattling thing. Together, they're trying to become stronger.
Netto Hikari
Meiru and Netto are next-door neighbors and close friends. Their relationship is and will remain platonic, at least for the forseeable future. Netto and Meiru both look out for each other, but Netto is usually the one protecting Meiru and Meiru is usually the one in need of protection or saving. Meiru wants to become stronger and more self-sufficient so she can both protect herself and better protect Netto.
According to 🍙Netto, Meiru is 'boring' when it comes to 'bad words'.
Meiru owns an Advanced PET, where Roll currently resides. Meiru and Roll like to change the wallpaper of their PET and homepage often; currently the wallpaper is of teddy bears, changed after a trip with Yai where both Meiru and Yaito got matching teddy bears.