Mr. Match’s appearance is the same as his Battle Network 4 appearance. He wears a red jacket over a black shirt and black pants that have long flame designs on the legs and smaller flame designs on the back pockets. Mr. Match has long red hair as well as a beard.
As a former member of WWW, Mr. Match has no issue with causing the suffering of others. His specialty is causing fires with the help of his fire elemental Navis. He often does not act in this way without a larger goal in mind, but to a degree Mr. Match just wants to watch the world burn.
Mr. Match also has a love for battle, and can’t be dissuaded when he’s fired up for a NetBattle. His love for fire and general fire aesthetic is very important to him, and he is very much willing to start a fight to defend them.
He can also be cruel and manipulative even when not strictly necessary. His most recent actions included manipulating Netto to help him set SciLabs on fire, even putting Netto’s father in the hospital, and then further manipulating Netto to believe that Netto was solely responsible and just as bad as WWW. Mr. Match was arrested not long afterwards for his actions as a member of WWW, and hasn’t been heard from since…
Instance Relationships
Netto Hikari
Most of Netto's interactions with Mr. Match have led to nothing but disaster. Especially during their most recent meetings, where Mr. Match manipulated Netto into helping him setting SciLabs on fire and then later fighting Netto and RockMan alongside Anetta and PlantMan using FullSynchro. Netto took the SciLabs incident extremely hard and blames himself for it to this day because of Mr. Match's manipulation. Netto feels a lot of anger towards Mr. Match, but on the flip-side, Mr. Match finds it entertaining how gullible and naive Netto is. Mr. Match also has some amount of respect for Netto since Netto defeated him, but he's also annoyed by this fact.
However, Netto and Mr. Match did end up teaming up once to commit crimes since it also fueled Netto's interests and priorities. After RockMan showed up to stop them and Mr. Match tried to destroy RockMan, Netto turned on Match and stopped him.
They were both members of the WWW.
Mr. Match joined WWW because there was nothing fired up about his everyday life.
Mr. Match owns an Advanced PET.